#RWTS PDFwriter© 2016 Rodney I. Yager

In Mac OS, you may prefer to use homebrew: brew install ghostscript In Linux, some distros bring a much older version (rhel7 sports 9.07). To download a fully independent modern one-file-only ghostscript, download it directly from the site. PDFwriter is heavily based on, but far superior to, CUPS-PDF. It doesn't use ghostscript to generate PDF files; instead it uses the OS X internal PDF capabilities.

An OSX print to pdf-file printer driver

Pdfwrite ghostscript

### Click to download the installer pkg

##About RWTS PDFwriterRWTS PDFwriter in an OSX 10.11 compatible print driver that enables you to “print” your documents directly to a pdf file. It has similar functionality to CutePDF on Windows.

Installation and Usage Instructions

Download the installer package by clicking on the printer icon above and install as usual. After installation, your new printer will be ready for use.


Simply print your documents using PDFwriter as your printer.

The “printed” PDF files produced will be stored in the directory

/Users/Shared/PDFwriter/<your user name>

Skull image for face mask. For convenient access to this folder, simply drag it to the right hand end of your dock.

Removal instructions

If you want to uninstall PDFwriter, open Terminal.app, type


and press Return. You will be asked for your admin password. After hitting Return, PDFwriter will be entirely removed from your system.

Compiling from sources

In the event that you want to compile your own copy, you can clone this repository. The product installer can then be compiled by executing the script


If you have a DeveloperID, a signed product can be compiled by running

sources/buildscript.sh -s '<Your DeveloperID>'

As this project is released under GNU GPL License Version 2, you are welcome to make modifications and improvement and incorporate it in your own software, provided you also release your software under the same licensing system. Read the License for full details.

History and acknowlegements

RWTS PDFwriter is closely based on Lisanet PDFWriter by Simone Karin Lehmann. Lisanet PDFwriter was, in turn, based on CUPS-PDF.

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