North America > Activities > Workshops

Start date:July 27th, 2008
End date:September 1st, 2008

Aura seeing brian osborne lyrics

My affiliate friends at Learning Strategies are hosting Aura Seeing Fest with Brian Osborne, and you are invited. An aura is the energy field that surrounds living creatures. It can be seen as subtle colors radiating around a body. Auras can tell you a lot about yourself and another person.


Defensive and Deflective Techniques for Shamanic Practitioners
Taught by Brian Osborne
Be prepared for a two day workshop with Brian Osborne. Learn advanced techniques for assisting yourself and your clients. Brian will present techniques and exercises that will enhance your abilities to not be tracked. He will provide teachings for enhancing your tracking abilities, Protection tools for yourself and clients, defensive and deflective techniques to enhance your invisibility therefore increasing your ability to work. You will come away with discernment for knowing when situations you encounter may need additional assistance. This workshop is being held at the Hilton Philadelphia Airport, 9 am to 7 pm on August 30th and 10 am to 3 pm on August 31st. The cost is $300 if registered before August 1st. After August 1st the cost will be $325. Space is limited. Please register early.
Lunch will be included both days. The Hilton Philadelphia Airport is offering a discounted room rate of $109 a night if reservation made by July 31st. Please mention Shamanic Workshop.
For additional information:
Laurie Miller at or 609-332-5536
Shelly Blodgett at or 603-252-5351
Brian Osborne, L.Ac.,M.Ac. is an accomplished shaman, Taoist Master and ordained Taoist Priest. He has studied with Grand Master Alex Anatole, author of The Truth of Tao, for the past 30 years. Brian recently established his own school in upstate New York. There he teaches select private students and offers classes in classical shamanism and energy work. He is a former senior staff teacher with Alberto Villoldo’s The Four Winds Society.

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